Jul 1, 2013

One Crazy Day

What a day yesterday has been! CRAZINESS-AWESOMENESS.

It all started with work related things. My boss asked me to go to the court in Haifa city and then when I finish to go to the court in Kraiot - different city. And since my boss knows me well, he said "You can go to the mall afterwards." (instead of returning to work) :) 

It was Sunday. I called my friend if she wants to come with me to courts and maybe afterwards we can go to the beach or to the mall. Of course she agreed, it's her day off and I sounded like a good idea - fun day.

So we did. First we finished with both courts. Then we sat at a good italian restaurant to eat brunch. After that we went to the beach. 

It was such a good beach day. It was windy a little but the water was warm and the sun was hot! We got tanned.

As we were lying under the sun, my friend jumped with the idea of belly button piercing. She just grabbed her phone and searched for the number of the closet Piercer around. She called him if he's opened, and decided to go immediately. 

Seriously it was just a sudden of thing. We did talk about it before, and how we love it and wish we had it, but there was no plan of doing it that day, just like that. 

No deep thoughts followed the decision. She just suddenly said "I am going to do it. That's it. I am going." I was like what? really? are you sure?

I have been wanting this always and forever. The belly button ring. I remember even since high school days. But my parents didn't like it and that's what kept me from doing it since. 

Many friends of mine has done it. I always found it very pretty. It is as if that place (the belly button) meant to have something shining in it. It makes it look beautiful. Everytime I go to the beach I look at all the girls with the piercing and wish I had one. Also everytime I go to the mall I start looking at all the belly button rings wanting to get one. See I always wanted to have a belly button piercing. 

Anyhow, my friend said "Do you wanna do it? I am doing it!" I said "I don't know..." Aaah I really didn't know what to do. I want it so much! I just wasn't thinking of doing it right that moment. 

I decided to go with her, shop around and watch her doing it. I told her maybe I'll do it too. But she didin't believe I will.

So we went. It was exciting. Stressful. 

I looked for a ring with her. I picked one and she picked one. I told the Piercer I just want to watch. He took my friend to a closed room and refused to let me in. 

I tried to listen through the door curious of what's going on; is she going to scream, how is she going to react, what is he going to tell her... 

I was nervous. 

It took barely 3 minutes and they were out. She was happy! Holding her shirt up showing me the piercing. It was reddish but it was fine! 

The piercer looked at me and said "Yalla? come on!" I was like nooo... My friend also was pushing me to go for it. It was such a stressful moment. I was under so much pressure. It was like in my head I want to do it so much but I was scared! Scared if it's going to hurt and because I didn't give it enough thought to really go for it. It happened just within minutes and we found ourselves at the piercer! 

I took a deep breath and said OK! I thought it's either now or never. I thought I'm here. She did it. If I am going to walk out now, I know myself I'm going to chicken out later and not do it. I will stay forever wanting to and not doing it. So I decided to go for it!!! I gave my friend my purse and went in. 

Oh My Gosh, it was sooo painful! I don't know how my friend didn't feel anything. She told me it doesn't hurt and she looked pretty well and happy to me. 

I felt the whole process. I even screamed at the end. 

When it was over, I felt bad, I got dizzy and had nausea. I just got up, looked at myself in the mirror and wanted to throw up. I couldn't speak to him anything. Even my ears were shut. 

The piercer was like are you okay? what are you feeling? Drink this water. I told the piercer I'm fine. It just happens to me sometimes from needle shots and blood tests and stuff like that. I told him it's ok. He made me lie on my back again with my legs up. I was sweatting. 

Just some couple minutes and it passed. I got back to normal. I wonder why this happened? Was I that scared? Did it hurt that bad? I guess so. 

It really was painful to me. Funny how my friend was so fine with it, during and after. I wasn't at all! Look how different people are. Each person is different. The question "Does it hurt?" is for vain. If the person didn't feel anything doesn't mean you won't either! (and vice versa)

When the piercer had done with me, he turned to me and said "So it's not that bad as you thought it'd be, right?" LOL. In my mind I was like are you kidding me? It was worse than I thought it'd be. If I knew it would hurt that much I wouldn't have actually done it. So I kept silenced. I just smiled at him. That was my reaction. 

What a day. 

I still can't believe I did it. I look at it and question myself if it's real! All those years I have wanted it. It was something close to a dream to have it. Maybe inside I thought I would never actually do it, for too many reasons. And then all of a sudden it happens, after years and years of wanting. So what I feel is weird. I am happy I did it finally, and I love it, but I still can't believe I I have it. 

It still hurts like crazy though! It needs some time to heal (up to a month). But I love it. I'm so proud of myself!

Well, here's a motivation to stay slim, keep a flat belly and work out! ;)

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