Jul 21, 2013

Becoming Famous


Two days ago, we went out to have dinner at this nice restaurant in the town square.

Out of no where, this man, the owner of the restaurant (I think), comes by asking us which one of us is a lawyer. He said the cable guy said one of us is a lawyer. 

We looked at him pulling a-what-face and I immediately said "Not me!" and he left. 

What the heck? Why did I say that? Until right this moment, I am still thinking about it. Why did I do this?? I could've even kept silenced or even say Me! Why to lie? 

Exactly two minutes after this, I hear, in such a loud voice, someone behind me saying "HELLO LAWYER". I look behind me and I see this guy, in the middle of the restaurant, with that man (the owner) next to him, smiling at me.  

Oh am Gee. Everybody heard him, including that man. I felt SO embarrassed. Of course I smiled back at him and greeted him, with a little mumbling, whilst that man was looking.

I think I turned all red. 

That little lie I said didn't even last five minutes. The truth is, I even surprised myself how easy it came out. I'm not used to lying, and for me to have to lie is a pretty big deal.

I hate lying, I'm not used to lie and I don't lie. 

But here's the thing;

Lately, I'm meeting my clients everywhere. I'm being known. Wherever I go, I meet a client, and I hate that. 

For me it's work related. And when I'm off, I'm off. I'm not dressed the same, I'm not as serious, and so I don't like my clients to see me that way. Also, it feels like I don't have a life of my own, I will be considering every step I do by being that well known. 

Maybe that was the reason why I said "Not me" like that.

I felt really humiliated by lying that day. I think I shouldn't care that much when I see a client. I mean I'm sure they realize I have a life apart from work, right?

I don't know, I wish to never meet up with a client outside of work. 

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