Nov 4, 2010

I Have a Problem

I can't stop buying books! I'm addicted.
I have a long list of books that I want to get and read... But I just don't have time!

My problem goes like this:
I start reading a book, I hear about a new book, I go get the new book, I come back excited and start reading the new book without finishing the book I was reading in the first place. And so on.
I just don't finish my books, yet I still buy new ones!

Books interest me, especially those good ones...

I could be in a mall, passing by a book store, getting inside for a look and end up leaving with a new book or more. I could stay in that book store for hours and I won't mind.

So at the moment, I have plenty of books; plenty of unfinished books and plenty of new books that I want to read. My problem is that I don't have time.
I am a very outgoing person, but I also like to read.

I don't have a specific time for reading, if I don't go to the beach, don't travel or don't do anything that has some kind of waiting in it... I would not read, only just before bed.
In my free time, I rather go out than sit and read.
I wish I had more time for reading.

I am very addicted to shopping. Books shopping is similar to my clothes/shoes shopping.
I keep buying when my closet is full. I have clothes and shoes that I never even got the chance to wear and yet I still go and buy more.

It is a problem.
But it does make me very happy when I buy new things.

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