Nov 16, 2010

What's your Favorite?

Last night, while we were all hanging out in the house with some friends, one (who was a psychologist) suggested to play 2 games:

First game was to tell which color is our favorite color and explain it with 5 reasons.
I said to myself "oh no! I hate this game because I don't know what to answer".

The first girl chose white because it is pure, festive, reflects colors...
Another girl chose green because it is the color of the nature... Peaceful.
The other two chose purple because it is unique, not many people would choose it and it's not one of the main colors. It is dark, has a little red in it so it's also warm. It has secrets in it. (funny thing was that both gave the same reasons for picking this color without knowing what the other one had said).

So when it got my turn, I said I can't say a favorite color. I can't choose one because it depends whether it's about clothes, stuff, furniture... I would choose a different color each time. I guess I don't really have a favorite.

In the end, apparently this was a psychological test to find out our personalities by the specific color we chose. It reflects who we are by the reasons we gave.

It was very interesting. As for me, I found out why I don't have any favorite color.
You can't judge me by one color. I like change and new things. I am outgoing and social. My personality is a mixture of all the colors. It is way deeper than picking just one color.

The question "What's your favorite color" always bugged me.
I hated it for all the time it took from me to decide on a favorite color.

The second game was to choose a favorite animal and give 5 reasons for that.

I chose a dog. I gave many advantages and positive things in dogs. But the main reason I gave was because it loves me. Because you can feel how much the dog cares and expresses love and wanting to be beside you all the time. He (I'm going to be referring to the dog as "he" instead of "it") understands you and obey you. No matter what you do he will still love you, even if you hurt him.
I love how excited the dog becomes when you come home. And how he would leave everything just to be with you, even if it's food and he's starving... Just because he misses you.

One of the girls chose a horse because it's strong, beautiful and noble.
Another chose a lizard because it is cute, kills bugs and won't bug her.
Another chose a cat because she grew up with one...
Another chose fish. Because you need patients to catch it and it may slip away from you if you don’t catch well. It's hard to catch. It has many colors and it's beautiful…

Apparently, the animal we picked and the reasons we gave represent the partner we want to be with. So it was so funny after we found out. But somehow true :)
Interesting, isn't it? :)

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