Nov 12, 2010

The Climb

Hey! Today is one of the fun dates.
It's 12/11/10 :)

Lately things weren't exactly as I wanted. Things were rough and I have been very stressed out and down. It seemed like nothings working out... Many obstacles and couldn't get what I wanted.

But then things got a lot better and even greater than I imagined. :)

Here is a great song that will keep you motivated:
The Climb - cover by Joe McElderry
I must mention that I don't like Miley Cyrus, but the song is originally hers.

She says:
"I can almost see it, that dream I'm dreaming...
But there's a voice inside my head saying "you'll never reach it".
Every step I'm taking, every move I make feels lost with no direction, my faith is shaking.
But I gotta keep trying, gotta keep my head held high."

There are many struggles in the journey of life. But we have to keep going on and face all those struggles on the way. Life is all about how we learn from our experiences and the good skills we can take from them.

Then she continues:
"The struggles I'm facing, the chances I'm taking, sometimes might knock me down, but no I'm not breaking.
I may not know it, but these are the moments that I'm gonna remember most, just gotta keep going. And I, I gotta be strong, just keep pushing on.
Because there's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move.
Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.
Ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side...
It's the climb."

Dreams are possible to reach. But there is always going to be doubt and fear inside us. There is going to be good times and bad times. But we need to be strong and keep our faith as we keep moving forward.
No matter how bad it may seem or what we may be leaving behind, or what's waiting on us at the top.. It's the steps we took, the choices we made and the lessons we learned about ourselves along the way that we will remember the most.

That's what make life important. It's all about how we get through it and the journey and experiences we learn along the way.
When you climb the highest mountain, you'll be happy once you're on top, that you made it. But climbing it and what you've gone through means more and makes you appreciate it more.

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