Dec 11, 2013

Christmas is just around the corner

Today is a special day (11.12.13) although nothing special has happened, But, something special might happen next week!! ;) *excited*

The weather is freezing cold here. Snow is falling, which is not usual for this season in our country. We might get white Christmas this year, who knows? :) *crossing fingers*

On this day, the Christmas Market in Nazareth was supposed to start (a week full of shows, shopping, food and awesome things). Every year it happens around this time and it starts with the event of lighting up the big Christmas tree in the city square, followed with Christmas music and fireworks. Pretty awesome thing. But it was postponed because of the bad weather. 

Last year it started on the date 12.12.12, and the year before, on 13.12.11. This year we are going to miss the date 11.12.13, but it's better they postponed it. 

Anyway, I am excited for Christmas this year, I even already had the Christmas tree and Christmas decorations up in the house couple of days ago (which is not usual for me since we are always the last to decorate for Christmas. Sometimes we do it on the 24th! Hehe).

It is truly, the most wonderful time of the year. 

Ever noticed how Christmas music lift you up and you automatically become happy when you hear it?? It is the spirit ;)! 

Speaking of which, I just saw this video, it is so cool and amazing what the airlines did for it's passengers! I love it.

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