Oct 7, 2013


Never take what you have for granted!!!

Life is not easy, could be surprising sometimes and shocking. 

We are being put in harsh tests through this life, where our loved ones pass away or really bad fatal things happen. 

Well, one of the YouTubers that I follow, Charles Trippy, found out he has Cancer! It was shocking to find out because he is such a nice guy, so young and healthy. I've been watching his daily vlogs for many years and so I am attached to him very much. The news affected me a lot. So sad. 

My best friend's dad also apparently has Cancer. I know him personally and I love him. He is so nice and their family is so close. His condition is getting worse and I am afraid for that. I cried... I know how much they are close and how sweet he is. 

Sometimes it's just not fair... Why the worst things happen to such good people?

In addition to all that, my other friend's dad also is not in a good condition. I don't know what he has, but he has to visit the hospital 3 days a week for Kidney Dialysis. 

!! What's going on? 

I look at the things I complain about and I figure how stupid I am for not cherishing every moment and everyday I have with my parents and loved ones around me safe and healthy. 

I am grateful for so many things. Life is tricky. Can't take anything for granted! 

But why do bad things happen to good people? 

I can't understand this, but what I know is that the life we are living here on earth is temporary. I believe that what ever happens is a test. It is definitely difficult but that's the way it is. We need to pass the tests to move on. 

We need to be strong, unite, encourage eachother, be there for one another and never lose faith, no matter what. 

Just keep breathing...

1 comment:

  1. تتدافق كلماتكِ كنورِ الشمسِ مُسهبةً لقلبِ كلٍ مِنا , سلمتِ وسلِمَتْ أناملك ولا أراكِ اللهَ مكروهاً أبدا .
