Dec 31, 2013

New Beginning

Last day of the year! Yay. Tomorrow is 2014!!! My Gosh what is waiting for me!

I am super excited for the new year. It is going to be challenging and great I believe. 

Time for new goals to set. 

I just found this funny video that is actually so real. You set a New Year's resolution, but two weeks later, resolution fails! Hah! 

It is actually not easy to keep up. We get excited for new beginnings and we set new goals and resolutions. But do we follow? 

I admit, so far, I always fail in keeping my new year resolutions. But again, I'm going to try my best this time and be determinate. Especially since new things are going to happen on this coming year. 

2013 was good. Neutral. Being a lawyer and living life. Oh yeah and I started my Masters in Law! I will be finishing that this coming year! 

So excited for 2014. It will be a year to remember. May it be good upon all of us.


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