Feb 26, 2011

The Sea

So I was having dinner with friends when we decided to get some fresh air at the beach and relax with the sound of the crashing waves.

We do that often. Get to the beach, breathe deep and leave everything behind. 

This time however, was different. The sea wasn't the same. It didn't have waves at all. It was the first time I see something like that. The weather was windy! So much wind and the sea didn't move. It was so calm that made us frustrated. It was like nothing! Barely moving. It was like as if the sea was having issues. Like so many things that made it say "enough I can't handle your troubles anymore".

People come to the sea for relief. They talk to the sea and throw all their past and thoughts away. The sea always listens and takes out all your troubles and bears it all. No complains.

When you see the waves crashing, it feels beautiful and relaxing. You see the see as free without limits. A wave comes towards you to take your trouble away then comes another one and so on. 

But this time, it was dark, night, there was wind, the sea had no waves. Barely hearing the water. It really had an opposite effect. It was depressing and confusing. It felt very weird. 

I came back home still thinking about it and feeling sorry for the sea! 
It's as if it was sad. It was actually more frustrating than relieving. 
I wonder why it was like that... And what really caused it. 

Poor sea.
Could it be that it was full of our (people) problems that even though it's very big and free, got to a point where it had enough and now it's its time to feel sad? Maybe it has its own problems that it has no one to throw it all to? Oh man.. that's how it felt like. Not good.

Anyway, here's how beautiful it should've been. But of course when you are out there in front of it it's more powerful.  

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