Jun 11, 2013


What If... ?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the issue of consequences in our actions or choices in our daily lives. 

I found out that people don't really think about the concept of things... For if they did, they would have prevented themselves from doing what they did.  

For instance, a friend of mine got caught by the police driving after having some beers. The police officer took his license and was suspended for six months (he had put a good lawyer to have a minimum suspension possible). 

The judge explained to my friend that he is not allowed to drive during those 6 months nor even touch the steering wheel, otherwise, he'll go to jail for three months. My friend's lawyer also explained that to him, for if he would get caught driving, nobody will be able to help him and he will spend three months in jail for sure. 

Nevertheless, my friend is driving! He said he drives carefully with notice if there is a police around. He wishes to not get caught and drives carefully. 

The thing is, I guess it is hard for us, humans, to imagine something happening to us that never happened before, or that we know it happens to others but we are sure it's unlikely to happen to us. 

Why would we think that we are different? I don't know, but it is like that. 

Here's a good example of how people don't think about the consequences of their actions and believing they'd never get caught. 

Today we had a court hearing for fraud accusation.

Our client has a gambling problem. He has land plots and assets which he gambled upon and lost that wasn't only his, without his family notice. Even his own house he gambled on. 

He was determined he's going to win, but he kept losing.  

Finally he got caught by the Land Administration Authority for illegal land transactions and fraud. For such offences he will spend some good years in jail. 

When he showed up to his trial, you could see all the shame and guilt on his face. His relatives were sitting in the courtroom, crying. 

He looked so regretful and full of shame. It seemed like he never thought he'll be standing in that position. He was blinded with his gambling problem, he thought he will get everything back. He thought he would never get caught. 

Look where he is now.  

Sometimes things are just more serious than we think. Jail is jail. Don't do things you know are against the Law. Don't go by thinking you'd get away with it. You actually might get caught. But then what? Have you thought about that? Think. Don't be stupid. There is no turning back in life. What is done is done. Regretting is for vain. Be wise. Think. Think about the consequences of every action you do. 

Some other thing we don't usually think about - the concept of Hell. 

What about Hell? Is there such a thing? What if? What's gonna happen to us after we die? What if it was real, are we ready to put up with the consequences of our everyday actions? 

We choose to not think about consequences maybe because it is more convenient for us that way.   

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