Feb 20, 2013

Perfect Holiday

We landed and I smiled.

Then for some reason I remembered Joey from friends trying to say "my name is Claude" in French. (if you don't know what I'm talking about you should check it out!) :)

Je te flouppe fli!

Aaaaaah it was so good! 
I am in Paris! Pariiiiiiiiiiis! I fell in love.

Oh the excitement, it was almost too much to bear when I had booked the tickets to Paris and had to wait over a week to go.

I actually have a list of cities and places to visit. Paris has always been on the very top of that list. I thought of Paris as such an amazing beautiful city to visit.  I wanted to see the Eiffel Tower and the famous Shanzelize street in Paris. I love the language as well, I think it's so nice and romantic. 

And here it happens. :)

Not only have I went to Paris, but I visited and stayed at my very best friend's in Paris. She took me to see many wonderful-famous places in Paris. Took pictures, had fun and got to meet her friends and hung out.

It was great.

What made my trip be even better and a dream holiday was going to Budapest. In Budapest I stayed in the Hilton hotel which is on the same building of the biggest mall in Budapest. I literally open the door and I am in the mall! How awesome is that? I was living in the mall!! 

I was able to shop in the morning, in the evening and all the time, when it opens till it closes. I was able to go to the mall wearing the slightest clothes on with slippers. Also instead of having to carry all the things I buy, I was able to go put them in my room and continue shopping afterwards. 

Ah and I must mention it was the end of the season and everything was on sale! I bought so many things. :)

Other than that, the hotel was great as well; good breakfast and it had a spa and a gym opened 24h.

It was the perfect holiday for me... Starting with Paris and ending with living in the mall. Shopping, tourism, friends and awesomeness.

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