Jan 26, 2011


Sometimes we find ourselves in such a situation where TIME doesn't seem to be enough. Like 24 hours a day is NOT ENOUGH for all the things we have to do. 

I had a massive amount of material to study in less than 5 days for my exam. It was a big exam and very hard, that I really was worried about. 
With that much of material, I thought I will not be able to make it! 

But hey you know what, they say, there is no I CAN'T but I DON'T WANT.

It's true! I managed my time and it was great! I even got two days before the exam to go back all over the material again! I couldn't believe it that I did it. 

I actually decided that I want to succeed. I wanted to get a good grade on this exam. So what I did was dividing the material, deciding what to do in each day until the exam day.
So I slept less. Didn't get out of the house. Had very small breaks. And all I did was studying! Since the moment I open my eyes in the morning, until I can't keep them opened anymore. And that was A LOT of hours a day! Wouldn't go to sleep until I finish what I had planned to do that day. And I did this, until it was over. 

I got so proud of myself. Because I know now that no matter how hard a thing seem to be, if I really want it, I can definitely do it. 
I guess the key after all is TIME MANAGEMENT.

Got the will, and time management was the way. :)


  1. iLike!
    Glad you've did it! I'm so proud of you too! :D hhh Good Luck!
    There is nothing you can do and can't be done! ;)
    & always remember! "if you fail to plan, then you're planing to fail!" its all about TIME MANAGEMENT!

  2. very inspiring mooly! congratulations on a job well done.
    this will motivate me in the next few!
    thanks for sharing hehe
    khaldoun k.

  3. Hey! :)))
    Thank you both! And good luck ;)
