Jan 26, 2011


Sometimes we find ourselves in such a situation where TIME doesn't seem to be enough. Like 24 hours a day is NOT ENOUGH for all the things we have to do. 

I had a massive amount of material to study in less than 5 days for my exam. It was a big exam and very hard, that I really was worried about. 
With that much of material, I thought I will not be able to make it! 

But hey you know what, they say, there is no I CAN'T but I DON'T WANT.

It's true! I managed my time and it was great! I even got two days before the exam to go back all over the material again! I couldn't believe it that I did it. 

I actually decided that I want to succeed. I wanted to get a good grade on this exam. So what I did was dividing the material, deciding what to do in each day until the exam day.
So I slept less. Didn't get out of the house. Had very small breaks. And all I did was studying! Since the moment I open my eyes in the morning, until I can't keep them opened anymore. And that was A LOT of hours a day! Wouldn't go to sleep until I finish what I had planned to do that day. And I did this, until it was over. 

I got so proud of myself. Because I know now that no matter how hard a thing seem to be, if I really want it, I can definitely do it. 
I guess the key after all is TIME MANAGEMENT.

Got the will, and time management was the way. :)

Jan 11, 2011


First of all I must mention that today is another fun date day! It's 11.1.11 =)

I talked before about college, and all that was within. But now I think I can say that I have officially experienced it all.

I study and currently live in the most dangerous city in this country. It's the city were all the mafia is, and that is always on the news. 
But during these 4 years, I always said that it is not as they say about it and I did feel safe here.

This year, I moved to live with foreign girls at my friend's flat. It's in a big building in the city downtown, very close to the beach. 
I love it. It is such a warm flat and the girls are awesome. Everything was perfect. 

Thursday night, I left to see my family and friends back in my hometown. My roommate also had an event in another city, so she left for some hours. 
During that time the flat was empty. 

At midnight I got missed calls on my phone and a message that said: "Please call me. They broke in our flat." I went pale and immediately called her. 

Sunday, I came back. My room was a mess. They have been searching through all my stuff and opening all the boxes and drawers. My shoes were everywhere on the floor and some clothes and stuff as well. They didn't steal anything, for all my valuable things were with me at that time. 

She showed me pictures of how her room looked like before she cleaned it. All of the things that were in the big cupboard in her room were on the floor. All the boxes opened and turned over. Her laptop, money and passport were missing.

They broke in through the bathroom window and left through the door with the spare key we had next to it. 

The night I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about it and hearing all kinds of noises thinking they'd come again. 
The idea that they have been watching us, knowing when to break in, knowing that the house would be empty at these hours on that day, knowing what to take and who is living there... 
It's very scary. 
It is the first time that I am in this kind of situation. It is horrible.

Now I know we always have to hide our valuable things, to backup everything on the laptop or the phone. To be aware and prepared, for there is a scary world out there, professional burglars and thieves, and that anything might happen to us as it happens to others. 

The night after the burglary was very scary to me. I couldn't help it but to be frightened. I knew that the chance they come again in the same week is minimal and that the Lord is protecting me and I shouldn't be afraid for he is with me, but I still was. 

Then, I thought, I should stop thinking about this; Because what good does that give me? If I worried or didn't worry, so what? If it's going to happen, it will happen, whether I worried or not, same result. 
So why not stop worrying about it? 
If I sleep, I would wake up if I hear noises. So why not sleep and relax as long as nothing is happening? 
If they come and I was awake, what can I do? There is nothing I can do but scream and call the police. So the result is the same. The phone is next to me when I'm sleeping. 
Besides, if they come again, God's with me and He'll deal with it. I can sleep and when it happens, I am not alone.

Jan 7, 2011

End Of The World

This is important to start the new year with.

Many people believe that the ancient Mayan calender mysteriously ends at the winter solstice in the year 2012. But does this mean that they knew that December 21, 2012 will be the end of the world?

The History Channel, Newsweek magazine, major movie studios, booksellers and dozens of Websites are fanning the 2012 craze.
Movie trailers for the science fiction disaster film "2012" have added to the hype, showing entire cities devastated by enormous tsunamis and earthquakes, meteors raining down fiery death from heaven and human history coming to a violent end.

Also, I have found this website that people have been posting around; http://www.escapeearth2012.com/!
Are people serious? It's hilarious. They are selling tickets for the new world, to be rescued from the global destruction that as they say will occur on December 21, 2012. They say that there will be a new phase of human growth that will commence.

Please don't be stupid and fall for this. They just want your money and more ratings.
I can guarantee that no world is going to end on that date.
It will definitely happen eventually. But nobody knows when it is going to happen.
Jesus is coming soon, but only Him knows when. He himself said that we shouldn't be fooled because nobody will know when the son of man is coming, but the Father. [Read Matthew 24:36-42]

There has been several end of world predictions already. This is not new or the first.
Anyone who attempts to predict the day or hour of the second coming or the rapture is a waste of time.
As soon as these people know that they are wrong, they will come up with a new day and a new explanation for that day.

Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming and the end of this age. He gave prophecies of many events to happen before His return. He said there will be religious deception, wars and rumors of wars, famines, disease epidemics and earthquakes, all leading to a time of Great Tribulation when mankind would be on the verge of destroying all life on earth if the time wasn't cut short. Then Jesus prophesied there would be heavenly signs, and He would return with power and great glory. And then He stated clearly that no one knows the exact date for this except His Father. [Read Mark 13:32]

Meanwhile, until Christ's return, God doesn't ask us to explore the intricacies of ancient Mayan calendars. He warns of rampant deception and tells us not to be fooled by those who claim secret knowledge of His return.
We need to be prepared spiritually for Christ's return and the end of this world; now, in 2012 and every year.
"You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him".