Jun 2, 2010

~ Thinking ~

Funny thing is when having so many things in the mind that you actually get to a point where you're not thinking about anything! It happens.
Like, I'm very stressed. I have a zillion things to do and to think about... But my mind is blank! I mean there are things that I don't know what to do about, so I go out for a walk to think about these things and figure out how will I make everything work and be happier... But NOTHING gets to mind! Totally blank! Is it weird?
I was out getting fresh air and walking alone for an hour, and couldn't think about anything. Nothing from the things that I'm supposed to think about. I actually was trying very hard to pull things out from my head but I couldn't. I instead was looking around at things and having a blank mind... Just watching stuff and really nothing in my head!!
Alright, here is another example. I went out to the beach tonight, you know trying to clear up my mind, but Instead, I was watching the waves and thinking about that. I was thinking how dull it must be for the sea to be in the same movement all the time.. the hight of the waves was the same all the time and it stayed like that. So I was thinking about the sea. I was actually finding something else interesting and thinking about it instead of thinking about my problems and the things that bother me.
Does this happen because I got a lot of things that run in my mind? Is it because that it's not only one thing that bothers me? Or is it supposed to be like that, going out and not thinking about the things and feeling fresh and come back? Or am I just weird...

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I thought I was the only one who had that kinda feeling! but now I've figure out I was wrong!.. well at least now you know you're not stuck alone with that kinda feeling! hehe :D
    and oh btw, you're a good writer! so keep on the good work! ;) iLike.
