Yesterday I was out with a new friend I met this month, a couple of years younger than me. We were catching up and talking...
She asked me how is college like and being a student is, and if I have fulfilled everything I wanted and expected as a college student and if there is anything that I regret doing or didn't do...
This made me think and realize how much I have grown since graduating school till graduating college.
Everything is so different than school. I grew up a lot.
I have met new people, moved in a different city, tried different roommates, got to know different kinds of religions and different types of people...
All new things.
For instance, at school, I speak and learn in my language. lived with my parents and was depending on them in everything. My classmates were all Christians and there were only a small amount of people who were Muslims. And that's all I knew. We had the popular kids and the geeky kids and we pretty much cared about the looks and stupid teenage stuff.
What I knew and what I did was all limited.
Then in college, I am on my own. Different city, an apartment, new friends...
In school, I had to attend all the classes even the ones that I hate, and if I miss or don't do homework I would get in trouble. But in college, I'm actually studying what I really want and I go because I want to. I'm the only one who is taking care of myself and my studies.
In college I learned a lot about trust. Finishing high school and stepping in the real world is not easy at all. Life begins at that moment.
I was ignorant. I'm a social person and I like to help and be nice to others and make friends. I used to expect others to treat me the same way. To help me and to be my friends. But in the real world I'd say "welcome to the nobody cares world". I learned that I should never expect anything back. Most of the students care about themselves and their own things, and actually many would be friends just because they want something. I learned that it is okay. Now I don't care about this anymore. I'm still me. I would definitely help without expecting anything. And if you are my friend and you betrayed me, I would feel sad a bit because I lost a friend but it is how that person is.. So whatever. I will not be like them.
In college, being in the real world, I also met people who I never knew existed. For instance, I got to know what is a Druze. I didn't have any Druze in my hometown zone. So for me it was new. My friends now are not only the Christians I had in school. My friends now are Christians, Jews, Muslims and Druze. I even got to live with them... Something that I never thought would happen. We hang out together and have fun. Each of my friends is from a different hometown. Some speak Hebrew and some speak Arabic.
Another thing that was new to me is hearing different Arabic accents that I didn't know before. Some might be talking to me, and I would understand nothing because of their accent and different words they use that I don't know which they have in their hometown.
So yeah, funny moments we had.
In school, the most important thing was to fit in. To be one of the cool girls in the school. Caring too much about who am I friends with... Are they popular or not, pretty or not, rich or not.
Now nobody cares about these things. There are much more important things to care about. Everybody is friends with everybody.
In college, politics are the center of discussions. We talk, we argue and sometimes we fight about it. All of a sudden other things start to be important. And this is college.
I sum it up with lots of experiences and good memories.
But Now it is almost over. I'm gonna miss everything!
Darling! I got your comment at my blog (:
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- Malin