Nov 11, 2011

11.11.11 11:11

New years in November?

Everybody has been waiting for today the 11.11.11. An awesome date!  People were waiting for today at exactly 11:11 O'clock. A super fun date and time. 

I woke up in the morning. Got to check my Facebook. Everybody was counting hours and minutes til it gets 11:11.  Like some wrote "1hour left!!" , "15 min left", "5min!!"... "1min"! Somehow their excitement got me in this too and made me look at the time waiting for it  to become 11 and 11 minutes. Then when it finally did, everybody were like "11.11.2011 11:11" !! the home page of Facebook was filled with 11 11 11 11 11 .


It felt like new years ... Waiting for the 00:00. I felt like I should say happy new year!
What even made it more like a new year was my friend calling me at that time. She didn't mean anything, it was a coincidence but it definitely was like she called to wish me a happy new year at 00:00 !

It was fun...

Oh and a family friend's son
had his birthday today
and he became 11 years old.

How cool is that ? :)

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