Aug 28, 2011

Third Phase PLUS

I talked before about me being in the third phase of my life.
So here is an update:


By age life just gets harder and harder.

I am changing. I am put in situations that I never was in before. I see different kinds of people and different kinds of personalities. I am learning to not take things straight to the heart. I am learning to deal with problems on my own. I am put in positions where I get helpless but stronger in the same time.
I learned that no matter how hard things seem to be, it is okay, because it is as they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I know that each day I am growing more and learning more. I know that I am not the same as yesterday and that each day is a blessing.
I know that it is the hardest phase I am in so far. But as I observed, This is life. It only gets harder but in the same time it is all about learning - learning to deal with it and taking the best out of every situation.

LEARN AND MOVE ON - That's my motive. 

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