Jan 7, 2011

End Of The World

This is important to start the new year with.

Many people believe that the ancient Mayan calender mysteriously ends at the winter solstice in the year 2012. But does this mean that they knew that December 21, 2012 will be the end of the world?

The History Channel, Newsweek magazine, major movie studios, booksellers and dozens of Websites are fanning the 2012 craze.
Movie trailers for the science fiction disaster film "2012" have added to the hype, showing entire cities devastated by enormous tsunamis and earthquakes, meteors raining down fiery death from heaven and human history coming to a violent end.

Also, I have found this website that people have been posting around; http://www.escapeearth2012.com/!
Are people serious? It's hilarious. They are selling tickets for the new world, to be rescued from the global destruction that as they say will occur on December 21, 2012. They say that there will be a new phase of human growth that will commence.

Please don't be stupid and fall for this. They just want your money and more ratings.
I can guarantee that no world is going to end on that date.
It will definitely happen eventually. But nobody knows when it is going to happen.
Jesus is coming soon, but only Him knows when. He himself said that we shouldn't be fooled because nobody will know when the son of man is coming, but the Father. [Read Matthew 24:36-42]

There has been several end of world predictions already. This is not new or the first.
Anyone who attempts to predict the day or hour of the second coming or the rapture is a waste of time.
As soon as these people know that they are wrong, they will come up with a new day and a new explanation for that day.

Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming and the end of this age. He gave prophecies of many events to happen before His return. He said there will be religious deception, wars and rumors of wars, famines, disease epidemics and earthquakes, all leading to a time of Great Tribulation when mankind would be on the verge of destroying all life on earth if the time wasn't cut short. Then Jesus prophesied there would be heavenly signs, and He would return with power and great glory. And then He stated clearly that no one knows the exact date for this except His Father. [Read Mark 13:32]

Meanwhile, until Christ's return, God doesn't ask us to explore the intricacies of ancient Mayan calendars. He warns of rampant deception and tells us not to be fooled by those who claim secret knowledge of His return.
We need to be prepared spiritually for Christ's return and the end of this world; now, in 2012 and every year.
"You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him".


  1. Absolutely true :)

    Can't wait :) It will be the darkest time of mankind... but I really hope that I can see it happening :) & be part of it :) Its my wish!
