Nov 7, 2015

Everybody IS Perfect

I posted sometime ago about an experience I had where I realized that nobody is perfect and I wrote about it. 

Today I realized something else. The opposite of what I wrote.

Why to quote "Nobody is perfect", when instead, you can say "Everybody is perfect"!?

Why to point the negative when you can point the positive? 

Each person is individual, unique and beautiful in his/her own way. A person is made of looks and personality. Each is perfect in the way he/she is. 

To an other, you are perfect. There is always someone who sees you perfect.  

Believe you are beautiful. Believe you are perfect. Because you are. 

Don't go around thinking you are not perfect because nobody is perfect. But think the opposite. Think that you are just perfect, unique, and beautiful with all your "flaws". Everybody is perfect.

You are perfect.

Remember that.