Dec 1, 2012

Nobody's Perfect (confirmed!)

Yesterday I had the most awkward situation in a long time.  

We were out on a date with friends...

The girl (our friend's date) was new. By new I mean it was the first time we go out with her and meet her. 

We were sitting on a table having dinner all together, enjoying our time, when the girl looks at me whispering to go to the bathroom together. I agreed, excused our selves and went to the bathroom. 

As we enter the bathroom, the girl immediately says "Mooly, you have a great body!" I smiled half a smile and reached the sink where the mirror is... The girl continued "You are beautiful... Your body... Look at me, look at my body..." Whilst she grabs some fat from her tummy. I was like "Noo..." She then said "look at your legs..." 

I was speechless for some seconds. It was the first time I ever get in such situation. I thought wow! She has no idea about the flaws I have.

I tried to tell her how she looks great and how I don't see myself as she is saying. I told her how I wish many things and how I think us girls are never satisfied with our selves. We all have things we want to change or wish we had. We always complain and compare. It is in our nature... I told her she's beautiful and fit. 

She thinks I am perfect (!) I wonder how many other girls think so. She just was forward and said it. Maybe there are many others like her, who compare them selves to me, who think I look perfect. 

It was shocking for me to hear someone as her (she looks really good) comparing herself to me. I always compare myself to others. I always wish things I don't have and I do wish I had things different. 

I must mention that I was wearing something slim. But I never thought about how others would feel... That's not why I wear slim clothes. I wear so because I like it. 

I hated what happened. I felt horrible. I thought why did I wear this outfit. I didn't want her to feel bad next to me. This is not why I wore that. I was thinking how next time I would wear something wider and not tight. 

I didn't know or never thought that a girl would actually compare herself to me. I don't think I am perfect and i would love it if I had those specific things that I wish I had. 

This whole situation made me realize that those other girls that I compare myself to, wish the same things as me, they also probably complain about things they have or don't, and probably have flaws that I/we just don't know about or are hidden or covered. 

I have been told I am beautiful or that I look fit and so on. But I am one of those who don't listen to others. I listen only to myself and what I think when I look at myself in the mirror and what I tell myself. So those words "beautiful" "slim" "fit" "perfect" never meant anything to me for I keep comparing myself to those who seem to me perfect, beautiful, slim and fit. 

But you know what, nobody is perfect !! I do understand now that statement. Nobody's perfect!

I think everyone has a story. I know they say it a lot, as a random quote, but I believe it now.

So just LOVE YOURSELF! We need to stop comparing and looking at others. We are all different in some way or another. We are all perfect.  

Speaking of which, I like the words of this song "Little things" by One Direction. It is also cute. 

"Girls can be so self-conscious at times, and forget that it's the 'little things' (good or bad) that contribute to them being the amazing person they are."